Starting to wear dentures can be a big change, but it can also be an exciting one, as it can improve the quality of your life and give you back the confidence to smile and eat the foods you love.

Whether you are getting full or partial dentures, there are a few things you should expect.

Dentures Midland

Adjustment period:

When you first start wearing dentures, it may take some time for your mouth to adjust to the new appliance. You may experience some discomfort, sore spots, or difficulty speaking and eating. The adjustment period is different for everyone, however this will all progressively get better over the following 1 to 6 months.


You may need to have your dentures adjusted or refitted several times during the first few months as your mouth continues to adjust and changes shape. Your dentist will be able to make any necessary modifications to ensure a comfortable and secure fit.


You may find it challenging to eat some of your favourite foods when you first start wearing dentures. Soft foods, such as scrambled eggs, are usually the easiest to eat in the beginning. As you get used to your dentures, you should be able to eat more and more of your favourite foods.


Speaking with dentures may take some practice. You may find that you need to articulate your words more clearly and speak more slowly at first. With time and practice, you will get used to speaking with your dentures and it will become second nature. Often the change in your speaking is far more noticeable to yourself then it is others


Keeping your dentures clean and in good condition is essential. You should brush your dentures daily and place them in a denture cleaner when not in use. Regular check-ups with your dentist will also be necessary to ensure that your dentures are fitting well and in good condition.

Confidence boost:

Wearing dentures can be a huge confidence booster, as they can restore your smile and improve your overall appearance. You will no longer have to feel self-conscious about missing teeth. Our dentists will always work with you to fabricate a set of dentures that look as natural as possible, taking in to account the shape and size of your other teeth (if partial dentures are made)

Teeth whitening in midland

In conclusion, starting to wear dentures can be a big change, but it is also a change that can bring many benefits. You may experience some adjustments, but with time and patience, you will get used to your dentures and be able to enjoy a better quality of life. If you have any questions or concerns about wearing dentures, please do not hesitate to give us a call on 9250 8844

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Dental Sense Midland

Call: 08 9250 8844


Map: 2 Mellar Ct, Midland WA 6056

Opening Hours:

Mon: 8am – 5pm

Tue: 8am – 7pm

Wed: 8am – 6pm

Thu: 8am – 5pm

Fri: 8am – 5pm

Sat: 8am – 1pm

Sun: Closed


(08) 9250 8844

2 Mellar Ct, Midland WA 6056 (map)